Data protection notice for applicants

Data protection is an important priority at KNDS Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, Krauss-Maffei-Straße 11, 80997 Munich, Germany, which is why your data is only processed in compliance with the legal data protection regulations.

We collect and process your personal data in order to carry out the selection process for an advertised position. The data you provide is processed in order to process your application and, if a contract of employment is concluded, to process the contract. It is not processed for any other purpose.

Personal data is any data and information about yourself that you have made available to us, and that is related to you or with whose help reference to you can be made. We collect and process the following personal data about you:

Surname, first names, date of birth, place and country of birth, home addresses, nationalities, green card possession, phone numbers, email address, CV (including details of previous employers, education and vocational training, studies, further education and training), qualifications, employer references; if necessary, details of spouses/registered civil partners if required in accordance with the Security Screening Act (Sicherheitsüberprüfungsgesetze – SÜG); only in the case of convictions that are subject to the absolute duty of disclosure: whether previous convictions exist or related proceedings are under way. The above-mentioned personal data is used for the following purposes:

  • Preparation of a contraction, including identification of and communication with you, for example to process your inquiries; invitation to interview, rejection letter
  • Settlement of legal disputes and for asserting, exercising and defending legal claims.


Personal data must be processed in order to achieve the above-mentioned aims. The legal basis for the data processing is Articles 6 (1) (b) and (f) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The data you provide to us is treated confidentially. At our company, only those employees who are directly involved in filling a vacancy have access to the relevant application documents. In order to safeguard their rights, in the event that a contract of employment is concluded and during the application process, your documents are submitted to the works council and, if necessary, to the representative body for disabled employees. Applications that are also to be used for other positions are also sent to other locations within the company for which the applications are intended. You can withdraw your consent to your documents being passed on and further processed at any time. In such a case, your documents and personal data can no longer be considered in the ongoing application process.

We pass on your personal data to courts, tax authorities and supervisory authorities, to the extent permitted and required by law, to comply with applicable law or to assert, exercise or defend legal claims. However, we take all measures to ensure appropriate and appropriate guarantees for the protection of your personal data.

Unless legal regulations allow or it is necessary for contractual reasons to pass on your data to third parties (e.g. for travel reservations) or is in your interest, no data is passed on to third parties. Third parties are persons or offices outside our company that do not process the personal data on our instructions.

If data is passed on to third countries (outside the EU/EEA), it is passed on only if the EU Commission has determined that these third countries have adequate data protection measures in place or we have agreed appropriate contractual guarantees with the recipient to ensure appropriate data protection.

If a contract of employment between us and you is concluded, the data transmitted for the purposes of carrying out the employment relationship is saved in compliance with legal regulations. If no contract of employment is concluded with you, your application documents are deleted at the latest six months after you have been notified of our decision not to offer you employment, insofar as their deletion does not conflict with any other legitimate interests of our company. A legitimate interest in this sense is, for example, the burden of proof in proceedings under the German General Equal Treatment Act (AGG).

Rights of data subjects: right to access, rectification, erasure or restriction of processing of your personal data, right to object and right to data portability

Upon request, we will inform you in writing, in accordance with the applicable law, if and what personal data about you is saved by us.

In addition, you have the right to request the restriction of processing of personal data by us. You can also request to receive the data you provided to us in a structured, conventional and machine-readable form. You can also object to the processing of your personal data by us.

You have the right to request the erasure of your personal data, as long as there are no legal retention periods to the contrary.

If you have consented to the processing of your personal data, you have the right to revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future. Revoking this consent does not make past data processing unlawful.

For further questions regarding data protection, please contact our data protection officer:

Markus Zimmermann
KNDS Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
Krauss-Maffei-Straße 11
80997 Munich

Datenschutzbeauftragter (at)


You also have the right to complain to the competent supervisory authority about our company's data processing. The data protection authority responsible for our company is:

Landesamt für Datenschutzaufsicht [Data Protection Authority of Bavaria for the Private Sector] Promenade 27 (Schloss) 91522 Ansbach, Germany Web: